Monday, June 30, 2008

Missing Posts

Sorry folks. Stomach flu is not so conducive to posting about food. I am beginning to eat again, and next week will be in New York City, so hopefully I will have a lot of good food to discuss in the near future.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Stuff This Week

New this week, I will be adding a poll each Monday on a food-related topic. It will be on the top of the page, and I hope all of you will share your thoughts with me. Also, if you have any suggestions for polls you would like to see, feel free to submit a comment!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spain at Home

I have always loved gazpacho. It is the perfect example of “summer in a bowl,” and perfectly lovely on a warm night. I found some great cucumbers, and had a bunch of tomatoes that were too soft to slice, so I thought I would finally try and make this wonderful little cold soup. I can’t take credit for the recipe, as I found it on Food and Wine’s website, based on Chef Jose Andres’ wife’s recipe. Going into it, I had no idea how easy it was, else I would have been making it for years. Ingredients are simply tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet bell peppers, garlic, vinegar, olive oil, and a little salt. Pureed in a blender, chilled for a couple of hours, and it’s ready. I served it up with garnishes of the basic ingredients and a couple pieces of toast.

For dinner last night I served the gazpacho, then simply broiled with lemon a whole red snapper marinated in fennel fronds and olive oil, filleted the fish, and served it with a few marinated beans I bought at Whole Foods.

A light Spanish-inspired meal for a summer evening. Next step: buy a good Spanish cookbook so I can make more of the delicious, simple food that is Spanish cuisine.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Soon to Be More Posts

I haven't been very good about updating this blog, and I am seriously regretting not maintaining the habit. It is not as if I haven't had some great food at restaurants, made some fun food at home, and generally kept up my food passion. However, life has gotten in the way a bit.

However, beginning next week, it is my plan to blog on at least one meal at home a week and a new restaurant meal every other week. I may end up blogging more, but I'm going to make every effort to be consistent and build an archive of fun food and and exciting experiences.

How often in a week do you eat out?